Our Values


We’re all made in the image of God, which means there’s always something, and often a lot, in everybody we can honour.


Whether you’ve thought of your life like this or not, we’re all on a journey.  Your journey matters to God and it matters to us.  We will start where you’re at and learn your story too.


It’s the essence of who we are and it’s also our approach to caring for people.  We wouldn’t want anyone to feel left out, but for everyone to experience meaningful relationship, as if, we’re family.


We invest all we can into the people and the God-given opportunities, that God has gifted to us.


If it seems like the right person and it seems like the right venture, we do what we can to set it up for success, then we trust and release it.  We’re not scared to fail either, in fact, we see failing as the essential part of learning that leads to success